several days of a sore throat and increasingly creaky voice, I decided today it
was time to go to the doctor. This wasn’t the first time I’ve been sick in
France, or the first time I’ve gone to the doctor. But in coming home from the
pharmacy, I got to thinking about how illness, something which seems
straightforward, is actually viewed differently from country to country.
First thing’s
first-I’ve found that many of the actual illnesses I’ve had since I’ve been in
France are different from what I’ve had in the US recently. In other words, the
germs here are different. I’ve had infections and illnesses in the past several
years that I’ve either never had before, or haven’t experienced since I was a
This also
leads to the next difficulty: vocabulary. I quickly learned that it’s not as
simple as only translating whatever symptom or illness I had in English into
French. This was evident right away when I tried to understand the difference
between a ‘rhume’ and ‘enrhumé’. The first is essentially a cold, but the
second is an adjective to describe, I guess, a cold-like state. Although a
person who is ‘enrhumé’ doesn’t necessarily have a full-blown cold.
And then there’s
the term I had to use today (sadly not for the first time), an ‘angine’ which
is the French word for throat infection. I’ve also had before in France an
‘angine blanche’ which means a serious throat infection.
And not to
leave out the scary sounding ‘gastro’ which is essentially the stomach flu.
All of this
to say that the actual description and vision of some of these illnesses is
different from one language to another.
This also
leads me to another point I realized when getting a blood test for cholesterol
level. When I got the cholesterol test back, first of all I couldn’t understand
it. The categories were in different units than in the US. And while I had
tested for somewhat high cholesterol in the US over the past 5 years, my French
doctor assured me that I was within the norm in France. So I realized different
countries have different measures for health-related issues. I heard something
similar from an Italian friend who consulted doctors both in the US and in
Italy during her pregnancy. She said that the doctors in each country estimated
a different delivery date.
Of course
one of the major differences in France is the health care system, which in my
opinion and experience works great. I’m in on the general, national health care
system, for which I have a green card (my ‘carte vitale’) with my photo. Every
time I go to the doctor’s office, the dentist, or the eye doctor, they swipe my
card and it has my personal information on it. I also adhere to a private
supplementary insurance, that covers extra expenses not included in the
national system. This costs me about 30 euros a month and means that most of
the time when I go to see my general practitioner, I don’t have to pay for the
visit. And if the doctor can write me the right prescription, I often don’t
have to pay for medication either.
medication can include stronger drugs, but in my case today, it also included
aspirin and ibuprofen that I didn’t need to pay for since it was part of my
The French
health care system is complicated to understand, though, since it functions on
a basis of reimbursement. So when I went to see my dentist and had to pay 60
euros out of pocket for the visit and x-rays, about 40 percent of that was
reimbursed a month or so later first by the national health care system, and
then the rest by my private insurance.
My arsenal of prescription medication (essentially ibuprofen and paracetamol) from my doctor's visit |
We tend to
think that our health, our bodies and sicknesses are fixed categories, but like
most other things, they are culturally influenced. As you can imagine, this can cause difficulty
when you’re a foreigner and need to get medicine from a pharmacy, describe your
symptoms to a doctor, or even more difficult, understand the doctor’s assessment
of your illness.
So remember: wash your hands, take your vitamins, and don’t get sick
in the first place !
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